Authors: Murdoch J. Gabbay and Andrew M. Pitts (University of Cambridge)
Formal Aspects of Computing Vol. 13(3-5), pp 341-363 (2002).
Why this paper?
Cited by 9 (of a possible 29) of the papers in my Google Scholar Updates recommendations (where multiple citations from different papers by the same author(s) in my recommendations are disregarded).
Comments: My
PhD and some of my subsequent research was built around something called
nominal techniques; this is the journal version of
the conference paper that introduced them (in fact the second author, Andrew Pitts, was my PhD supervisor). Already some clarification is necessary: computer science has for some reason developed an unusual publication culture in which peer-reviewed
conferences, rather than
journals, take center stage. But conference publication often imposes tight space limits on papers, which can force authors to tighten their prose, which I find no bad discpline, but more regrettably can mean some details or examples are omitted. Hence new research is often published twice, with a more detailed 'journal version' following the conference version, often years later because of the slowness of the journal review process (which itself is probably contributed to by so much work having to be reviewed twice!). Another clarification to my first sentence is that the word 'nominal', which has become the brand name under which all developments of this work by Gabbay and Pitts are grouped, does not appear in this paper. I believe it was introduced by Pitts in his
'Nominal logic' paper, which was published before this paper but written after it, thanks again to the vagaries of academic publication.
The problem this paper addresses is that of reasoning formally in the presence of
names and
binding, ubiquitous features of computer science applications and other formal settings like mathematics. Of course names are everywhere - think of variable names in programs, or the identifiers like
x and
y we use when we do maths. The precise names we use is at some level arbitrary; while we're doing our mathematical manipulations we better keep track of our
xs and
ys, but 'from the outside' it obviously wouldn't have mattered if we'd called our variables
foo and
bar instead. Binding (sometimes,
scope) is simply the point where this 'outside' versus 'inside' distinction is made: some
operations have the property that the choices of names inside the operation's domain are irrelevant to anything outside that operation's domain. Such structure is vital in software engineering applications where people worry about
encapsulation, but is in fact virtually unavoidable in any sufficiently interesting formal setting.
Anyone with a passing interest in computing, or even logic or mathematics, would nod along to most of the previous paragraph, but perhaps would not become greatly interested. Names and binding are basic machinery, and there is no reason to spend time thinking about them, as opposed to getting on with using them! The twist comes when one tries to reason fully formally, for example to convince a computer that a certain program has a certain desirable property. This sort of reasoning, if successful, can yield guarantees about software far more robust than mere testing, but it is not easy, and names and binding structure turns out to be be one of the (many) barriers to doing this successfully. In particular, proofs involving structural induction, which are vital to programming languages applications in particular, do not play well with bound names. So there is a problem to be solved.
The solution proposed by Gabbay and Pitts (I should note that other candidate solutions exist, but I will not discuss them here) is to change the set theoretic foundations on which we build our mathematics, from the standard one to an alternative framework developed by
Fraenkel and
Mostowski in the 1930s for reasons completely unrelated to computer science. In this framework certain elements called
atoms claim a privileged place, giving mathematics in this universe a slightly different flavour. This paper adapts this work in (to me) wildly surprising fashion to show that if we view these atoms as our names then we have just the right 'universe' in which to model, and reason in a reasonably intuitive way about, binding, up to and including the structural induction I mentioned earlier.
It should be acknowledged, of course, that doing mathematics in a 'different universe' sounds like an cumbersome (and possibly eccentric!) move. For this stuff to actually be used, the esoteric set theory needs to be at least partially hidden, and subsequent work, most notably the 'nominal logic' paper I mentioned above, has helped to do this. Still, all of the many subsequent applications of Gabbay and Pitts's work can be seen to rest on some of the most abstruse mathematics you can imagine, a story that must gladden the heart of any working theoretician!